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1200x440 0005 enabling the sustainable enterprise

Enabling the Sustainable Enterprise

We turn innovation investments into products and services that help our customers be more productive, profitable and sustainable.

Our innovative products, services and processes advance the sustainability effort by delivering social, financial and environmental benefits. We do this in our own operations, as well as in workplaces, communities and cities around the world.

We are constantly thinking about how we can simplify work, deliver more personalised experiences, and improve productivity through new technologies. We strive to connect the physical and digital worlds without adversely affecting the environment, human health and safety.

With goals to reduce environmental impacts across our value chain, we invest in innovative solutions that can conserve natural resources and lower the energy intensity of our operations.

Xeroxin innovaatio

Katso, miten jotkut maailman lahjakkaimmista tutkijoista kokoontuvat ympäri maailmaa sijaitseviin tutkimuskeskuksiimme parantaakseen työn tulevaisuutta.

  • Aerial view of a green forest

    Sustainability Benefits of Managed Print Services

    Learn more about the benefits of Managed Print Services from Xerox which include increasing the sustainability and profitability of your business.

  • cost saving mofu

    Ecology meets economy

    Xerox® inkjet is the best of both worlds – now you don’t have to choose between sustainability and profitability.

  • man woman on laptop outside

    Quocirca nimesi Xeroxin yhdeksi tulostusalan kestävän kehityksen johtajaksi

    Tulostusalan riippumattoman tutkimuksen, ajatusjohtajuuden ja hyödyllisten oivallusten johtava yritys Quocirca nimesi Xeroxin yhdeksi kestävän kehityksen johtajaksi Kestävän kehityksen suuntaukset 2023 -raportissaan.
